Slide AI 서비스가 현실이 되어가는 4차 산업 환경에서는 클라우드 네이티브 및 데브옵스는 선택이 아닌 필수입니다.
퀀텀씨엔에스는 클라우드 네이티브 및 데브옵스 기반 AI 인프라 서비스 전문 기업입니다.
저희 퀀텀씨엔에스와 함께 미래를 준비하시기 바랍니다.
Cloud Native & DevOps Service

Quantum Cloud

Quantum C&S believes in the value of open source and will be a part of contributing to the development of the open source ecosystem.

Quantum Cloud is custom-built to meet customer needs, using a base constructed from the open source cloud solutions Openstack, Kubernetes, and Ceph. Depending on its purpose, it can be configured into either the QCS (Openstack + Kubernetes + Ceph) or QKS (Kubernetes + Ceph) services.

In addition to Quantum Cloud, Quantum C&S offers QMS, an MSA development solution, and plans to release Samanda, a service that provides tailor-made AI, in the future.


Samanda (LLMOps AI Service)

A service that allows the creation of a tailor-made AI Chatbot by further fine-tuning customer data based on the public LLM model.

The created chatbots can be integrated with customer service through plugins to perform services.



Quantum MSA Service (QMS)

An API Gateway and authentication integration solution that is essential for MSA development.

Istio has been integrated with Kiali to provide service, application, and workload monitoring. It has also been integrated with Keycloak to implement authentication and authorization.


QKS(Quantum C&S Service for Kubernetes)

A cloud comprised of Kubernetes and Ceph.

This cloud is recommended if Kubernetes alone can manage the service, without a separate VMS.

It has advantages when configuring a dedicated, special-purpose Kubernetes cluster.


Quantum Cloud Service (QCS)

This is the default cloud type provided by Quantum C&S.

Comprising OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Ceph, it supports a wide range of customer business environments.

It is a convenient cloud for configuring multiple Kubernetes clusters at the same time.

Quantum Services

In a cloud-native development environment represented by an MSA, DevOps Services need to be sophisticated.

Quantum CNS has accmulated many years of experience developing Web Service, Big Data, and Deep Learning solutions, alongside CI/CD know-hows.

With our experience and know-hows, we will provide DevOps services tailored to your environment.

1. Public Cloud Services

This is a public cloud service operated by QuantumCloud.

Currently, it's free for a limited time for clients with ongoing consulting engagements.

In the future, we will open up our deep learning and web services cloud services for anyone to use.

2. Private Cloud Deployment and Maintenance Services

Cloud consulting, deployment, and maintenance services customized to your needs.

You have a variety of cloud options to choose from.

During the consulting period, you can try it out on the public cloud provided by QuantumCNS.

3. DevOps, GitOps, MLOps, CI/CD services

Highly sophisticated CI/CD development skills are critical for continuous service.

We offer free DevOps development and training services for a limited time for customers who adopt Quantum Cloud.

It supports a source-driven approach to operations as well as CI/CD.

4. Cloud Native Development Consulting and Cloud Migration Services

For customers who want to move their existing legacy environments to the cloud, we provide consulting on all cloud-related information and direct migration services.

Whether you're moving to the cloud while maintaining your current legacy, or developing and moving to cloud-native.

Why We Are Different


Unmatched Reliability

Quantum Cloud ensures the highest reliability by enforcing high availability to prepare for hardware failures as well as software failures.


Organic Unity

For peak performance, Quantum Cloud closely integrates hardware and software in an organic manner, with thorough tuning and regular updates.


Disruptive Innovation

Discover the latest innovative open source technologies, fine-tune them, and apply them quickly.

Gain access to the greatest cutting-edge technologies earlier than any other cloud service.


Uninterrupted Service

To ensure that your services are not interrupted, our services too will continue uninterrupted.

Failure prevention and follow-ups are also supported with immediate remote and in-person support.

Highly Qualified Team


Steve Jeon

Sungjoo Jeon

CEO, Technical Artist

Cloud Architect & DevOps Artist

Working hard to provide services where technology meets art.

Seoyoon Park

Jenifer Park

Seoyoon Park

CFO, Co-Founder

Financial Director

Helping Quantum CNS become a global number one, beyond just Korea.


Alex Kang

Hyunsoo Kang

CTO, AI Specialist

Developing a Smart Cloud powered by AI.

Daniel Jeon

Hajun Jeon

Interface & Experience Specialist

Focuses on design and frontend development.

Doing work to convey the evolution of Quantum Cloud into an organic system.


Justin Kang

Sehyun Kang

Infrastructure Specialist


We're passionate about building a robust platform.

고준성 (2)

Eliot Ko


Cloud Native Specialist

Kubernetes를 중심으로 클라우드 네이티브 환경 구축 및 운영을 기술지원합니다.

List of Endeavors

SK Telecom AI Platform 개발을 위한 쿠버네티스 클러스터 및 CI/CD 시스템 구축

빅데이터 및 LLMOps 프로젝트

– 도입 솔루션 : QKS ( Kubernetes + Ceph )

- Key Responsibilities :

  • K8S & Ceph을 온프레미스의 다양한 OS한경에서 설치 가능하도록 커스터마이징 버전 제공 및 유지 보수, IaC 에 의한 개발 및 유지보수
  • AI 개발에 필요한 백오피스 설치 및 유지 보수
  • AI 개발에 필요한 빌드 및 배포 시스템 구축 및 최적화, 멀티 클러스터 배포 기능, GitOps 에 의한 관리 기능 제공

– 서비스 도입 효과 : K8s HA구축으로 무중단 K8s 서비스, 백오피스의 효율적인 관리, Ceph을 활용한 빅데이터 인프라 서비스

발주처 : SK Telecom

– 프로젝트 수행 기간 : 2024.09 ~ 현재 진행 중

Kubernetes Customization and MLOPS Platform Installation Automation Projects

Big Data and MLOPS Service Projects

- Adopted Solutions: QKS, QSS

- Key Responsibilities :

  • Customizing K8S & Ceph to install in different OS environments on air-gapped on-premises, leveraging Terraform and Ansible
  • Developing MLOPS solution (AccuInsight+) installation automation, leveraging Ansible and ArgoCD

- Effect of Introduced Service: Significantly reduced installation period (more than a week -> less than 2 hours), stable K8S and storage service

- Client : SK C&C

- Installed Clients: Nonghyup (2021), SK Siltron (June 2022), KB Capital (August 2021), Public Procurement Service (March 2022), Nonghyup Sonbo (February 2023), National Pension Service (August 2023)

- Planned Clients: Public Procurement Service (Additional Installations), KB Insurance, National Pension Service

- Project Duration: 2021.11 - Ongoing

Quantum Cloud Delivery and DevOps Service Offerings

All Backend Systems Configured Based on Kubernetes After Establishment of Quantum Cloud, Developed via QMS Development Platform

- Adopted Solution: QCS Total Service (QOS + QKS + QMS)

- Client : - A company specializing in medical artificial intelligence development

- Project Duration: 2021.2 - 2022.12.31

Provision of MSA Development Platform and Public Cloud Services

Utilized VMs Within Quantum Cloud to Develop MSA After Installation of Kubernetes

- Adopted Solutions: QKS, QMS

- Key Responsibilities :

  • Running services on Quantum Cloud, monthly subscription service
  • Service URL:

- Client : Jacob Information - A company specializing in environmental protection related services

- Project Duration: 2022.7 - Ongoing

QKS Cluster Setup

QKS Solution Delivery and DevOps Training

- Adopted Solutions: QKS

- Key Responsibilities :

  • Cluster design, setup
  • Kubernetes, CI/CD Training for developers

-  Client: Smilegate Entertainment Co.

- Project Duration: 2023.12.15 - 2024.02.15

Contact Us!

Join Quantum C&S.

We would be happy to answer any business and technical partnership inquiries about the technical experience and services of Quantum C&S.

Contact Us


208, 111, Digital-ro 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea

(Guro-dong, JNK Digital Tower)


Tel : 02-6124-5650
Fax : 02-6124-5651
