Tailored Kubernetes Services Designed for you

Kubernetes Engineering

Unlock the Full Potential of Kubernetes


- Cluster Setup and Management by IaC

- Legacy Application Migration

- Automated CI/CD Pipeline Implementation

- Monitoring and Logging Solutions

- Security Configuration and Management

- Helm Chart Development and Deployment

- Network Configuration

- Storage and Backup Solutions

- Operations and Support

Kubernetes Consulting

Accelerate your Kubernetes Adoption


- Cluster Architecture Design

- Deployment Strategy Development

- Performance Optimization

- Disaster Recovery Planning

- Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Solutions

- Kubernetes Upgrades and Migration

- Continuous Integration and Delivery

- Monitoring and Logging Setup

- Training and Knowledge Transfer

Infrastructure as a Service


Kubernetes Platform

- k8s version : 1.24.x ~ 1.30.x
- Ubuntu-based OS (18.04, 20.04, 22.04)
- Redhat-based OS (7.x, 8.x)
- CRI: Docker / Container / CRI-O
- CNI: Calico / Flannel / Cilium / Multus
- CSI: NFS / Ceph RBD / Cephfs (Rook-ceph and Cephadm)


Software-based LoadBalancer

- L4 LoadBalancer

HAProxy and VIP manager

- L7 LoadBalancer

Nginx Ingress controller
Istio Ingress controller


QKS Repository for Air-gapped Environments


GPU accelerator

Enable the use of various GPUs in Kubernetes environments for MLOps workflows.


Platform as a Service


HA Database Service on Kubernetes

Configuration Options : Active-Active / Active-Standby

Supported Databases :
- RDBMS: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
- NoSQL: ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Couchbase, Cassandra, Hadoop

Additionally, we support middleware such as RabbitMQ and Kafka,
and offer Redis for caching services.



Streamlining CI/CD with GitLab, Harbor, and ArgoCD

Integrates GitLab, Harbor, and ArgoCD to create a seamless, automated workflow for building, securing, and deploying applications.

Code changes pushed to GitLab are automatically built and tested, container images are securely stored and scanned in Harbor, and deployments are managed and synchronized with ArgoCD.


Logging Service


- EFK Stack Service / Loki Service

- Log analysis for Kubernetes services

- Collection and analysis of application pod logs

- Visualization dashboards provided through Kibana and Grafana

- Basic configuration service; additional features require customization

Monitoring Service


- Prometheus / Grafana Service

- Monitoring and management of resources such as databases, VMs, and containers

- Alarm service configuration available via email and Slack

- Basic configuration service; additional features require customization

Notable QKS Features

Kubernetes High Availability configuration
using HAProxy and VIP Manager


The high availability (HA) Kubernetes control plane setup uses Keepalived and Layer 4 (L4) HAProxy, both deployed as static pods on three control-plane nodes.


Keepalived monitors the health of each node, activating its virtual IP (VIP) on healthy nodes. The L4 HAProxy load balancers route client requests to the active VIP, ensuring continuous access.


If a node fails, Keepalived updates the VIP to another healthy node, and HAProxy redirects traffic, maintaining uninterrupted service. This configuration ensures robust and reliable management of Kubernetes clusters.

QKS Repository - Tailored for Air-gapped Environments


With extensive experience in serving sensitive environments such as government agencies and financial institutions, we offer a specialized QKS Repository designed for these unique conditions.


Our expertise includes installing and operating Kubernetes in
air-gapped environments. Using Ansible, we fully automate the collection of necessary packages, images, and Helm charts.


Users can pull images with commands like 'docker pull' in an offline environment by utilizing our offline Docker registry,
making it feel as seamless as being connected to the internet.